Does it worth it to go to college and spend lots of money?
Today, I am going to talk about my next question. Which was Does it worth it to go to college and spend lots of money? Everyone’s responses to this question are different. Some say yes, it worth going to college. While others say no, it does not worth going to college.
I personally think that going to college is worth it because you are specializing in something, you are learning about your major, and increasing your knowledge; I mean yes, college is expensive, but I think later in your life when you find a job, you will make more money than the amount of money you spent in college.
For example according to Is It Still Worth Going to College? states that “the value of a college degree remains high, and the average college graduate can recover the costs of attending in less than 20 years. Once the investment is paid for, it continues to pay dividends through the rest of the worker’s life, leaving college graduates with substantially higher lifetime earnings than their peers with a high school degree.” (Daly & Bengali , 2014, pp. 4–5) This means that going to college is worth it because you will earn more money later in your life. At first when you start working at a place. You might take half of the money that you earn to pay your college loan, but later; when you pay off that loan that you took as an undergraduate, you can make lots of money because you do not have to take half of your money to pay a loan, you can keep all of your money in your pocket.
For those who said no, it does not worth going to college, According to College: Who Profits? said that “Too many college graduates are suffocating under a mountain of accumulated debt, with very limited opportunities for employment and no acquired skill”(London, 2013, p.360). This shows that most college students, after graduating from college are struggling to pay back their debt. Since they just graduated from college, they have no experience in any job.
I think for them, finding a job might not be that easy. What I mean by that is some college students while studying in college would go, and find a job that they are interested in, and want to start working there right after graduating from college, this type of student are lucky because they already have worked in the field that they are applying for and have some experience. However, some students would just focus on their studies and not work while they are at college, but then when they graduated from college. This type of student might have some difficulties finding a job since they do not have any experience. I believe this type of student is going to finally find a job, but it might just take them a long time to find a job.
Daly, M., & Bengali, L. (2014, May 05). Is it still worth going to college? Retrieved March 14, 2021, from
London1, H. (2013, July 24). College: Who profits? Retrieved March 14, 2021, from